Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Our Speech 2012

The International Standardized School is a New Solution to Face a Globalization Era

Honourable juries in this competition
Honourable audiences in this room
I am .... from MTsN Rejoso

Ass wr wb.

First of all, we have to express our blessing and guidance only to Allah
Secondly, we have to send our best regards only to our prophet Muhammad Saw

Allah Swt said in our Holy Qur’an at Surah ar Raad verse 11:

It means Allah will never change the condition of certain societies, if they do not want to change theirselves.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Professor M. Nuh, our national education minister has done many things to improve our national education condition. This effort is done in order to have the same education level with another countries. One of his special program is conducting the international standardized school. This program had stated in our National Education Law and our Main Policy of Building National Education beyond Strategy Planning of National Education Department year 2005-2009.
In our National Education Law stated that our goverment (local/central government) should held at least one school in all level education (elementary, junior and senior high school) become an international standardized school.
While in our Main Policy of Building National Education beyond Strategy Planning of National Education Department year 2005-2009, it stated that conducting an international standardized school is aim to develop quality, relevancy and competitiveness. In case of this, our central government and local government will make a good cooperation consistently, to develop 112 schools (elementary, junior and senior high school) become an international standardized school in Indonesia.

Ladies and gentlemen,
From the brief explanation above we know that the policy of conducting an international standardized school is real our government effort to increasing our education quality. Cause better education quality will raise up our competitiveness in the world. Moreover, we are now in a globalization era.
But, like a proverb in Indonesia language “tak ada gading yang tak retak”, this policy has caused many problems. There are some problems which have been discussed deeply among stake holders, education experts, societies and our government. Some of them said that this policy is not relevance anymore to apply. For example: until this year 2012, most of SBI teachers  are still S1, while the rule for SBI, the teachers should be at least S2. And many others problems which have been anylised very well by some educational experts.

Ladies and gentlemen,
            Whatever the problems, the restrictions, and the weakness, let’s overcome them. A high ambition will always need high exertion. We will never gain our dreams, if we are weak to face the problems. We will never become a champion, if we do not want to fight with our enemies. And we will always become a follower in this globalization era, than become a leader, if we breaks our program to raise an international standardized school. Let’s remember what Allah has said in Al Qur’an surah Ar Rad verse 11 as I had stated before.

Ladies and gentlemen,
That’s all my brief speech about The International Standardized School is a New Solution to Face a Globalization Era. Thanks a lot for your kinds attention and sorry for some mistakes.
Wass wr wb.

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